Early Birds, Night Owls, Little Ladybirds & Appletree Preschool & Holiday Hedgehogs

Data Protection Privacy Statement
Data Protection Privacy Statement
As a company it is necessary for us to collect personal information about you and your child. Sometimes we have to confirm or share information with other organisations (such as our funding body or the school). If we need to do this, we will make it clear to you on the forms you are completing which give us the information.
We will make sure that the information about you and your child is accurate and up to date, please assist us with this by informing us of any changes relevant to your child or the information we hold about them.
We will keep information about you and your child secure, we will protect your information against unauthorised change, damage, loss or theft. All information collected on paper forms is kept locked away and all computers, tablets or systems used to store the information are password protected.
We will only hold information about you and your child only for as long as our governing body Ofsted requires us to, after this we will dispose of it securely.
We will let you see the information we hold about you and correct it if it is wrong, you can help us with this by ensuring you have access to your child’s record via iConnect and ParentZone. Any errors with the information being held can be reported to us via this system and we will update accordingly.
We will comply with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 and General Date Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) and any subsequent legislation on information handling and privacy. We will support you with any questions you may have and if we cannot help you, we will give you advice on where to get the information you need. We will also comply with the requirements of the statutory framework of EYFS 2017 and Childcare Register 2016, as well as the legal requirements of Ofsted and HMRC and contractual obligations of the Local Authority.
We will only collect information that is necessary for what we do, we will be fair in the way we collect information about you and your child and we will tell you what we intend to do with the information you provide. Where possible, we will only collect information directly from you. If we collect information about you from someone else, we will make sure you are informed what information we hold on you, where possible and legal.
Types of information we collect:
•Child’s full name
•Child’s date of birth
•Address and telephone number
•Full names, addresses and contact numbers of parents
•Email addresses of parents
•Names and contact numbers of authorised collectors and emergency contacts
•Child’s ethnicity and religion
•Child’s medical conditions and dietary requirements
•Permissions relating to your child (photo’s, suncream, transportation and consultation with other practitioners)
•Photographs of your child
•Any court order information relating to yourself or your child
•National Insurance number (Funded children only)
•NHS number (Funded children only)
•Birth certificate or passport number (Funded children only)
Whilst your child is with us we store information regarding:
•Ongoing progress and development records
•Photographs of them
•Accident and incident records
•Medical records
•Any relevant Safeguarding/Child Protection information (including photos if necessary)